Tuesday, December 20, 2016

blog post 5 charlie interviews royce

Me: What have you learned? Royce: I have learned how fast plants grow. Charlie: What surprised you? Royce: How fast our plants grow. Me: What made you laugh? Royce: My team was very funny throughout the project. Me: What made you think? Royce: How plants grow and how the soil affects it.

Post #5

I interviewed Iber moreno

Q=what have you learned?
A=¨the plants only grow in 3 months¨

Q=What surprised or amazed you?
A= ¨the plants grew really fast ¨

Q= What made you laugh?
A= ¨eating the plants made me laugh¨

Q=What made you pause and think a little deeper? 
A=¨i thought about how fast they would grow.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Extra Credit Assignment by Victor Rebollar and Paul Zamora

The plant tastes like a leaf that makes you gag.  No I would not eat this plant ever on a daily basis.  The plant is healthy for you and doesn't cause you to gain lots of pounds.  When we looked at the plant through the microscope on 40x we saw emerald shaped lines. When we looked through 100x we saw green dots.  When we looked through 400x we saw just green.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Assignment 4 Paul

If our plant need one thing to survive on and it would be the weather. Without abiotic factors the plant would probably not have been able to survive this long. One biotic factor our plant needed to have to be able to survive was parasitism. Our plant is engaged in competition for sunlight. The winner grows more than the other plant that has not gotten as much sunlight. Sometimes it isn’t clear who won because sometimes they are equal in how much they hurt each other. This is second because the dirt in the garden was already provided from somewhere else.

Assignment 3 Paul

   All of the roots in this plant connect to the water cycle because the plants draw water into their roots and some of the water nutrients get returned into the air by transpiration. A way to show how this relates to how our plant has been growing is that the plant needs water to survive and maybe some of that water may of helped the rain start a couple days ago. Plants are good at starting in the carbon cycle. Since plants use photosynthesis to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. And the sun helps the plants because the plants create oxygen. Our plant's role has not really changed its growth. In the nitrogen cycle, plants use a process called Fixation which makes nitrogen usable to other plants. This has not really impacted the plants growth in any way at the moment.

Bio Paul Zamora

Hello my name is Paul Zamora and I was born February 12, 2002. I have lived in San Jose my whole life. I have a dog, a mom, a dad, and twin brother and sister.  I usually spend my free time playing video games or watching football on TV. I play football, soccer, and baseball with a passion.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Assignment 4 charlie

Our plant depends on many different abiotic factors and I believe the most important one is weather. I  say this because plants need water and rain. to grow and live. If the plant does not get this abiotic factor it will not be able to grow or live. One biotic factor plants have to depend is parasitism. Our plant contributes in competition by competing against other plants for sunlight, water, and other different things. The winners are plants and the losers are also plants because they are competing against each other. It isn't always clear who the winners and losers are because sometimes they are equal in how much they hurt each other. Pollon distribution is another thing plants deal with. It benefits both plants and insects. This is secondary succession because in the garden, the dirt was already provided.

assignment 3 charlie

My team's plant's appearance has changed drastically. It has obtained more leaves and increased in size.Our plants participate in the water cycle by their roots in the soil drawing up water and nutrients. Our plant's role in this cycle has made it grow bigger since we got rain this week. In the carbon cycle, plants are vital to continue it. They use photosynthesis to draw out carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and combine it with water. Our plant's role has not really changed its growth. In the nitrogen cycle, plants use a process called Fixation which makes nitrogen usable to other plants. This has not impacted my plants' growth.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Assignment 4 nolan perea

Out plant depends on many different abiotic factors and I believe the most important one is weather. I  say this because plants need water from the clouds to grow and live. If the plant does not get this abiotic factor it will not be able to grow or live. On biotic factor plants have to depend is insects to transport there pollen. Our plant contributes in competition by competing against changing weather patterns in that area. They compete by fighting against the parasites  in the ground for space they fight for health too from the parasites.. Depending the winner or loser in this situation is if the parasites stops the plants from growing by infecting it too much. I think that this is primeary succession because the dirt and grass from the ground is starting to spread all alround.

Friday, October 21, 2016

assignment 3 nolan

my teams plant has changed a lot. Our plant has grew a lot more leaves on it and its also gotten a lot bigger in size. Our plants in this project participates in the water cycle by taking the water it received from the sky and put it back out in the form of condensation. The plant we grew showed the water cycle by taking the water it received and growing from its energy. Our plant participated in the carbon cycle by taking in energy from the sun and turns it into carbon photosynthesis and then from there it turns it into organic carbon in the ground.Eventually the carbon in the ground comes up into the air from the soil. The plant we grew showed the nitrogen cycle by getting bacteria from the soil its growing on  then a animal will eat our plant and the waste from that animal breaks down into nitrogen.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


The Story of the Seed is a project where we take a seed, (for ex: brocolli) and drop 4 different types of solutions on it, H20 1% NaCL 4% and 8% NaCL. After that, we take the ones that grew the most and plant them. We will occasionally check on if there is more growth or not.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Bio Charlie Graff

My name is Charlie Graff. I was born in the USA on February 1st, 2002. I live with my Mom, Sue, Dad, Mike, Brother, Jake, and my dog, King. My favorite hobby is playing baseball and basketball and watching football, basketball and baseball on TV. I sometimes cook food in my house, but my dad usually does the cooking. I have gardened when I was little, but I don't remember much.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bio nolan perea

My name is Nolan and I  as born in the USA in 2000.  I have lived in San Jose all my life and I live in a home with my mom, dad, brother,and two dogs. My favorite hobby is to play sports and watch sports on tv.